Friday, October 25, 2013

A new Nexus 4 with LTE passes Bluetooth SIG certification - The Android Free


hearsay and speculation there is about the presentation of the still hypothetical Nexus 4 and less of the (this if confirmed) next version of Android: 4.4 KitKat [insert here the trademark logo] . The fact is that there are rumors for everyone, and one of them has within the last plans and LG Google Nexus, the Nexus 4.

In any case, by referring to the cold data, it seems that the Nexus 4 returns to the fray with a small renovation: without notice, we can now see in a new Bluetooth certification, created on October 24, the appearance of a mysterious reference to LTE networks.

Nexus 4 LTE Bluetooth SIG

All this has happened in the four existing certificate Nexus Bluetooth SIG , which allows us to see a complete list of qualified devices to work with the standards that promotes Bluetooth technology and the companies that are supporting the project. Like any other, the LG-E960 (or Nexus 4 for friends) is certified and has its registration on the web that anyone can see by accessing the appropriate link.

modification in which we look is in the field of Desing Description , which now appears an enigmatic LGE LTE Mobile Phone ( LG-E960) from which we deduce that means LGE and LG Electronics LTE standard known quotes. But that LTE is new and until October 24 that certificate was not there, which is what has set off the ads.

Everything we say, other than the data you’ve just given you, it will be mere speculation : can you really think Google is a business model in which Nexus 4 and Nexus May coexist as some rumors said, you may update the existing Nexus 4 LTE accepted but kept disabled, they may surprise us with something that is not in any rumor, you may never see the light that specification officially on any Nexus 4 … what are your bets?

Source | Engadget

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