Monday, October 20, 2014

The Google Nexus 6 will borrow some features … – Andro4all

Close Google Nexus 6

Although high price compared with previous terminals Nexus family, the Google Nexus 6 is destined to become a new bestseller by its fantastic specifications , which makes it a high-end all. Undoubtedly design is also one of the strengths of the new terminal . Motorola takes time improving this aspect without doubt the Motorola Moto X is one of the best phones you can find on the market in this respect.

In fact, we do not say anything new when we said that The Google Nexus 6 is adapted to a larger scale of Motorola Moto X. The curved lines, a back cover feature … many details to prove it. Commercially in this case is not a problem, since compete in various sectors, because the former has a screen of no less than 6 inches and the flagship of Motorola stays at “only” 5, 2 inches.

Active Display the Google Nexus 6

But developer community always have some surprises for us and apparently the similarities would not be limited to the outside. As we read in Android Police, thanks to an adaptation that they have made the Google Nexus 6 operating system, have already been see major developments through a Google Nexus 4 and among them is that of “Ambient Display” .

“Turn on the screen when a notification is received or we catch the phone.” This is the description on the menu settings on this option and is something that we have seen in other Motorola models. While it is true that I have spoken Andro4all alternatives that make an almost equal basis, it is interesting as a phone Nexus range includes it.

Of course, how could it be otherwise, every extra function has a cost. In this case, but it will not be economical (just missing with the price of the terminal) but will have to do with the battery. Looking to official data, see as having turned this option will cause the duration of this with phone standby pass 330-250 hours.

What do you think of this choice? Did you find yourself useful or is more important than battery life

Oscar Celeiro

Student Multimedia in the UOC and musician in every free time I have. I love technology and one of my downfalls is “fiddling” mobile much as I can. Also, I have other hobbies like sports, especially basketball. I hope you enjoy what I write and to new and interesting information brindaros !!


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