Saturday, February 8, 2014

Now you can use a Galaxy Nexus May your Gear (video) -

we’re in the middle era of ‘wearables’ that will give much to talk about and in particular with the smartwatch Samsung , some are primed talking about being exclusive devices Galaxy , had no real interest to the rest of us. And so we’re showing here today, think that is about to end.

The fact is that

for weeks and had circulated a “hack” that allowed to connect the Galaxy Nexus Gear 5 and check, fellow Pocketnow have been put to work to see that it is true and can be used without problems. And as you can see by the video definitely works. And very well.

Then we leave some simple instructions to get it going but, yes, first of all you must know that your Nexus 5 has to be ‘rooteado’ to install the files that I will discuss later (and I have just below the video).



1) Before mepezar must have a file manager installed on the Nexus 5 (Root explorer serves but also any other)

2) Download the three files before we indicate (the links just below the video)

3) Check that you can install applications on the Nexus 5 of ‘unknown origin’

4) Install gearmanagerstub.apk

5) Rename Gear Manager. apk a. zip

6) Unzip the contents of the ZIP file you just rename and copy the entire contents into the assets / preinstallapks


7) Install all . apk you see inside the folder (music applications and time are not installed, so you can skip them)

8) Rename Gear Manager. zip. apk and install

9) Turn on the Galaxy Gear

10) Match the Galaxy Nexus Gear with 5 (although you can do it manually via NFC works best)

11) Within settings activates Gear Manager Application Installation ‘unknown sources’

12) ATN Install Manager

13) Dale ATN Access Manager for Android notifications going to Settings> Security> Notifications access

14) Open ATN Manager and select which notifications you want to give the Galaxy Gear you have your Nexus linkado 5

Files Needed

  1. gearmanagerstub.apk
  2. Gear

  3. Manager
  4. ATNManager

Source: PocketNow

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