Wednesday, April 30, 2014

LG Nexus 6 and G3: new rumors that bind –

avt Nexus 5
class=”corps”> Since rumors began launching next Nexus 6, it was assumed that it would be LG manufacturer . However, after leaks began to appear about a possible deal with HTC as manufacturer’s next for Google. Latest reports put back together at the LG Nexus 6 and G3, which could be very similar phones. According to the specialized media next Nexus would be a “watered down version” of the LG G3. In none of the two terminals is still an official release date, but both are expected to see the light before the end of 2014.

More News on Nexus 6 Nexus 6 and LG G3: release date and rumored design

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Nexus 5

Another rumor that has taken harder lately about Nexus 6, which may have a low cost $ 100, it will be the last. Whether those rumors were running on Nexus 5, but it seems that his successor will close the series of smartphones Google. Other leaks suggest that there will simply be a change in name, and what is now known as Nexus Android renamed Silver would stop. Although it is still early to confirm this type of information, because not even officially know the Nexus 6. Touch fingerprint detector and resistance to dust and water are some of the benefits that are also rumored to both to the Nexus 6 LG G3 , a trend that would continue the line of great smartphones already introduced this year, as the Samsung Galaxy S5 or Sony Xperia Z2.

Will the Nexus 6, the latest smartphone from Google?

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