
LG has finally decided to fix design flaws that have had terminal star Google, the Nexus 5 .

After constant criticism, the manufacturer has finally corrected the little details that are manufacturing defects and can already see the end result is the last terminal that users are receiving the most recently purchased.

But what are the specific defects that have been fixed

First place have changed the speakers and microphone and are now somewhat larger and therefore better pick up the sound if the microphone and the audio is best heard through the speakers.

Furthermore we retouching buttons, LG has redesigned to make them better and more robust so that they fit better with the smartphone and not be damaged as was so far.

These problems usually occur on devices almost always users who buy everyone else first and then are forced to change or buy a new terminal.

The truth is that from LG seems to take very seriously the criticism of their customers and simply respond to users changing some details of the Nexus 5, makes them look good.