Monday, May 13, 2013

Asus FonePad vs Nexus 7: comparative video - Tablet Zone

In recent months there have been a number of tablets that are presented as alternatives to the compact star Android tablets : the Nexus 7 . Some have had as main asset price, while others have relied to gain a foothold in the market certainly some peculiar features, such as the Asus FonePad , who managed to capture enough attention in their presentation at MWC of Barcelona for its ability to function as a phone, despite its 7 inch . To lend a hand to those who are undecided between these two tablets of the Taiwanese, we show a comparative video between them that explores both the hardware and the user experience.

id=”more-22681″/> To the long list of candidates to compete against Nexus 7 , so far this year have added a few that quite interesting, and the Asus FonePad is certainly one of them. Obviously, if we opt for a tablet with free Wi-Fi only, Nexus 7 is a bit more affordable ( 199 euros ), but 20 euros more, with Asus FonePad we can get a tablet with mobile connection (the version with 3G and 32GB of storage capacity Nexus 7 would cost 299 euros ) and we have the additional possibility of using the tablet as well as mobile phone, although given the strangeness of using a 7-inch device so this option may not convince too many users.

In return for this advantage in point of connectivity , the new Asus device comes with features slightly lower than Google tablet , especially regarding processor . The first part of the video that we bring (first 3 minutes), focuses precisely on comparing specs and sure enough, here the balance is likely to tilt side Nexus 7 .

This is not, in any case, the most interesting part of the video and to contrast the characteristics the hardware of both tablets, you can also keep an eye on our comparative . However, in the rest of the video we see some issues for a comparative video itself more useful, contrasting the design , the image quality , the performance and the user experience on both devices.

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In regard to design , you see, regardless of the back cover (aluminum in FonePad and plastic on the Nexus 7 ), are virtually identical, with a size, thickness and weight very similar. There is no substantial differences as regards to image quality (in fact the specifications screen of the two tablets are same), but it seems slightly higher in Google Tablet .

In the video we show, however, a small advantage FonePad , related to the customization options of the display settings to optimize our experience of using . Finally, and contrary to what you might think, there are also no significant differences in performance between the core processor of Nexus 7 and the single-core the FonePad , at least in basic tasks and navigation, but can we found some more if we show both tablets running more demanding games, for example.

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