Sunday, June 30, 2013

Differences Nexus screen 4 explained by LG -

time to this part of the brand owners Nexus 4 manufactured by LG saw warning of the existence of differences between the screens of their devices. Despite being so slight variations that may have gone unnoticed by many users of the smartphone that has already sold more than three million units in Phone Arena got down to work to show whether the suspicions were well founded or not .


Nexus 4 underwent two different tests, whose results showed a variation in color temperature between 7150k and 7850k one second telephone tested. Given these results was obligatory to seek explanations from the South Korean manufacturer, whose response was based on that “in some cases it is preferable to implement certain changes in the specifications of the terminal if the engineering team determined that will be an improvement to the functionality or usability” device .

Operational diagram Nexus screen 4


in LG stressed that the advent of the variations between different screens Nexus 4 is located at a specific point in the production of pre-arrival terminal model in white, when he decided to “take a slightly warmer tone “in the recalibration of the screens. Still, differences ensured that WILL is “subtle” and that “would be appreciable only in cases where two units were compared with different calibration or measurement utilizasen sophisticated methods”, as used on Phone Arena.

Operational diagram Nexus screen 4

Unfortunately for owners of Nexus 4 anuciado LG has not so far nothing about a possible update of software to correct the screen older models. Similarly, and as supports aficanda firm in Seoul, “there is no easy way for the average user can access the configuration level to enable it to recalibrate the screen”, which those owners that wish to change the original color calibration have to make use of certain applications that allow them to match their screens with the rest of Nexus 4

LG DA EXPLANATION OF DIFFERENCES IN SCREENS NEXUS 4 The phone made in collaboration by Google and LG, which was destined to revolutionize the high-end segment, riding a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro chipset has two gigs of RAM and internal storage of eight or 16 gigabytes per version. In addition to a screen 4.7-inch WXGA IPS and a resolution of 1280 by 768 pixels, the Nexus 4 is equipped with Android 4.2 Jellybean and eight-megapixel main camera.

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