Monday, April 22, 2013

Nexus 5, all we know so far - Red Planet - Red Planet

Nexus 5 is still the main focus of a huge amount of users. It is expected that the new terminal Google does not experience the stock that came with the much popular Nexus 4 and it can exceed their sales. So far we have seen a lot of speculation and rumors related to all aspects of this Nexus 5 and today we take a brief look at their possible features.

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Nexus 5

Nexus 5, all that know to date

Based on all the rumors on the network could almost say, that this new Nexus 5 will be a star in this 2013 terminals.

speak now of its features, you could say that the new terminal Google increase the size of your panel up to 5 inches. This panel as used in the Galaxy Note 3 would OLED.

The material chosen to manufacture the glass would remain as they did in its predecessor.

the depths of its interior, the Nexus 5 propel any action by an excellent 800 Qualcomm Snapdragon processor quad core capable of steadily 2Ghz. For if all power were not enough, the latter also accompany a staggering 3GB of RAM.

4000 milliamp battery capacity would be responsible for feeding the Nexus 5. As far as operating system is concerned, and as expected, it will have the latest version of Android, 5.0 Key Lime Pie.

Finally, speaking of dates, recent reports confirm that the next terminal Google will not be seen at the Google I / O so we’ll have to wait a while longer to hear officially all aspects of this Nexus 5 .

Nexus 5, Any update Nexus 4?

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