My knowledge increased dramatically a few months ago when fully dabbled in acquiring and pore Nikon D5200 SLR camera that I am currently occupying for the analyzes and some events I attend personally and TecnoDiva PoderPDA . Have taken hundreds, maybe thousands of pictures with hundreds of different mobile devices and smartphones allowed me to have some empirical knowledge to achieve determining the quality of a photograph taken with one of these teams, but once you begin to understand and modify manual settings on a semi-professional camera , nothing gets to see the same.
‘m totally honest with you and that is why above the amount of photographic comparisons between different smartphones was rather PoderPDA null. Some members of staff have much more experience in Photo field to a server, but since most of the editorial staff has always historically found dispersed throughout the Mexican republic, had been difficult to coordinate efforts to generate content and we publish today. What you see here are the results of four different teams, the iPhone 5, Xperia ZL, Lumia 920 and Nexus 4 capturing the same scenes.
The photos shown here are not digitally retouched in any way and all it has done is change the size to paste a picture next to the other so closely that they can compare the details, colors and saturation of each of the image sensors of the iPhone 5, Xperia ZL, Lumia 920 and Nexus 4.
In fact, the two smartphones really give photographic battle on the issue are the iPhone 5 and the Lumia 920. Both devices are highly focused historically Multimedia equipment, designed and manufactured by companies with great experience in the field. As we saw in the analysis Lumia 920 a couple of days ago, the Nokia flagship really takes the cake in most lighting conditions, especially in low light conditions and even in darkness night. In this comparison of the four teams, we will see different lights and how the Nexus 4, the iPhone 5, Lumia 920 and ZL Xperia have captured photos.
class=”c5″> natural colors, good handling of shadows and sharpness more than adequate for building edges. Even we can see very clearly the texture cream paint in the foreground of the photograph taken with the iPhone 5. No doubt the undisputed winner external capture this comparison was the iPhone 5. Interestingly, the worst of the four teams analyzed in this decision was the Xperia ZL. In the photo of Xperia ZL we take less saturated, with paler colors and less sharpness. Ironically, despite the ZL image sensor is superior to the Nexus 4, at least in this shot better quality was obtained with the Nexus 4, the sharpness surpasses that of ZL dramatically, something that we can see clearly in the texture of the bricks from the edge and in the definition of the lines on the windows in the background. class=”c6″> Of the four, the better he got sharpness in the shot. But the Lumia 920 has been the worst captured colors. One takes too saturated for my taste and too far from reality. Perhaps nature scenarios the ability to alter the colors of the Lumia 920 could do, but at least in making that exemplify their colors are too exaggerated. Still, it’s the second best team in capturing or outdoor photography since the level of sharpness with which captures the details has been better than the Xperia ZL and in some areas of the picture even better than the iPhone 5. class=”c6″> Surprisingly, the Nexus 4 received an image with colors very close to reality and sharpness barely low of iPhone 5 and the Lumia 920. Only the color of the sky is just more saturated than in making the iPhone and the Lumia 920. Although my Android smartphone header seldom take photos in broad daylight and I was pleasantly surprised. A very in favor of the Nexus 4 that although the IPS screen is unable to show with all the pictures that capture glory, once we took the photos of the Nexus and look in detail at the monitor of a PC or Laptop will appreciate much more. Interior The next picture was captured at 2:00 pm but indoors, right in front of a window with natural light filtered only by a thin white curtain. In the photo I intentionally placed several objects of different textures and contrasting colors to accentuate changes in team photographs. It is common that most of the photographs that will capture a smartphone in your life time more indoors than outdoors so the photo below is one of the key elements in understanding which of the image sensors scanned computers is the best performance is. is necessary to note that these pictures together into one below were taken with the HDR mode on, so we could get a picture with contrasts of light and shade, designed by the same lighting conditions and the position of each of photographed objects. HDR refers to “High Dynamic Range”, which shows areas of shadow and light in the same scene, uniting basically two different shots, one that highlights shadows and highlighting the other lights, but always in the same picture. class=”c6″> The iPhone 5 obtained on this occasion the worst decision. A dark picture that could well be enhanced when taken with the semi-automatic balance targets by incorporating iOS dab on the screen to adjust the light as it suits us. Reiterate that the photograph was taken with the HDR option active and that the only Smartphone of the four actually always tries to “force” an outlet with high and low contrast is the Lumia 920, the rest, iPhone 5, Xperia ZL and Nexus 4 HDR function can be disabled to capture similar images. While making the iPhone 5 can distinguish slightly more saturated colors and brightest, maybe the only good thing we have is the texture of the white curtain, which shows perfectly the folds of a more natural way than the rest of shots. Where it loses the ability to capture in detail darker areas, for example in PoderPDA medal. Again, the Xperia ZL disappointed. While the amount of detail obtained in making the Xperia ZL is high, the colors are gray without any saturation despite being a take HDR. The details are noted for example in the folds of the curtain, in the lyrics of the Sony battery in the bottom and in addition PoderPDA medal that can read almost-almost blue case letters. Unfortunately all that detail is overshadowed by the overall gray tone of the photograph. class=”c7″> Lumia 920 class=”c6″> ZL Just after the second “worst” in capturing indoor shots was the Nexus 4. As we can see in the picture, black colored areas can be seen in the image noise and a grayish slightly lower than the Xperia ZL produced in this shot. The detail on objects is not very good and in this regard is perhaps the worst of the four teams. Finally, in addition to not properly handled dark areas of the picture, the illuminated area of ??the curtain is basically “burned” without any details and merely as an extreme light source. Something that basically the other 3 teams if they could take some detail. To determine more precisely what level of detail you can get the iPhone 5, Xperia ZL, Lumia 920 and Nexus 4, now I have made a total approach in the same catch BUT NOT HDR. Again, the only team that has no activate or deactivate function is the Lumia 920, but the concept still holds. The fact is that at this level of approach, without distorting the image rather than cutting the piece in question (one of the medals PoderPDA), we can see more clearly what level of quality and level of noise generated each of the different sensors and determine which one is better able to stabilize a photograph capture. class=”c6″> class=”c7″> The noise level obtained with the Xperia ZL is simply unacceptable in this screenshot. While the level of detail obtained is much higher than in the iPhone 5 and Nexus capture 4, the Xperia ZL maintained the second position having obtained more realistic colors. We can also see some detail in the band holding the medal. I will believe that this looks like a Lumia 920 commercial and I am a Windows-FanBoy but the truth is that regardless of the limited and immature Lumia 920 operating system, your camera is phenomenal. The photograph obtained by the Lumia 920 is slightly distorted barely noticeable and clearly adding image post-processing in the form of pixels slightly moved position. However, the level of detail and clarity of the picture is outstanding and far exceeds the other teams in this regard. We can even notice the little striped top band of the medal and the contour of the medal is defined including lyrics. class=”c7″> Foreign Continuing HDR mode, back outside to see the capabilities of the four opponents of this comparison. The pictures were taken around 1:30 in the afternoon on a day maybe too sunny. Regularly sending photos from events or stellar photographs of the analyzes performed are photographs in HDR and now I’ve been learning intensively to capture semi-professionally with a DSLR (Nikon D5200), I’ve also been learning how to create HDR images from scratch. The point is that once again, the only team to HDR function incorporates average “regular” in their catch and have no specific way to disable it is the Lumia 920, which focuses more minimalist interface to automate everything and leave us alone with the task of framing. class=”c6″> A very slight saturation added in the colors of the outdoor HDR capture was obtained with the iPhone 5. In fact, although not shown in this picture, regularly when capture HDR photos with the iPhone 5 gives us two photos, the HDR and incorporating not. When compared, the only thing that is really appreciated is a small enhancement in purple bougainvillea tree in the background in in blue and a slightly more saturated sky. The level of detail is amazing and the added noise in the dark areas is minimal. Although, in this category the winner “undisputed” has been the iPhone. Ok. In very sun not think of taking pictures with your Xperia ZL HDR. Perhaps it is the worst of all the shots I did for this review. The photo won the Xperia ZL outdoors in HDR over-saturated colors and exaggerated became totally distort reality, not only in color saturation not until in forms, as seen in the reddish color of the sidewalk at the inferior. The noise level added in the dark of the fence is unacceptable and it does look a picture of another planet, say Venus, where there is more sunlight .. Ironically, the only over-saturated areas in the capture of ZL is the tree in the foreground and bougainvillea tree in the background. Although the buildings also have saturation, cream was not as exaggerated as in plants. Just fatal. A very good decision, perhaps with better color saturation product as “Auto HDR” that is forced through all the pictures of the Lumia 920 to produce pictures with more clarity and more vivid colors. The level of detail is slightly higher than the iPhone 5 and the Nexus 4 but where was slightly failed in handling the colors of gray fence in the foreground, where as the Xperia ZL also got some noise in the photography. class=”c6″> class=”c7″> Foreign Like as I did shooting indoors, now is the turn to see the zoom capabilities in good lighting conditions under sunlight. These photos were captured around 1:45 to 2:00 pm on a sunny day. The difference is that in these shots did not use HDR for more clarity in the shots. Again, in this scenario has generated a surprise to compare shots achieved with the iPhone 5, Xperia ZL, Lumia 920 and Nexus 4, obtaining an unlikely, but very clear winner. Like I did with photography without HDR indoor Zoom, basically what I did was to cut a small part of the picture and paste them together in the picture below, this time without any re-scaling and as in all others not used any software to enhance photos. As they were obtained were pasted below. class=”c6″> good amount of detail, especially in the tree although a slight distortion in general and some areas “invented” again in the area of ??the tree. Whereas the focus of the photograph was on the foreground, the background detail obtained is very good. Poor class=”c7″> Xperia class=”c6″> While class=”c7″> class=”c6″> With just a perceptual level of noise in the front of the computer and a slight distortion, the Nexus 4 is perhaps the best approaches to a good outdoors without HDR. Especially in the area of ??the tree we can see the shape of the leaves and foliage clustering is much better detail than in the case of the Lumia 920, the Xperia ZL and competes strongly with the iPhone for the first position. In this test really hard for me to determine which of the four performed better and where Nexus wins 4 loses iPhone 5 and vice versa. One of the toughest tests for any Smartphones image sensor is the nightly catch. Just look at the picture below to remember the intense promotional campaign that made Nokia when it launched the 920, which we can now see first hand with this simple test of a photo night with some backlight. course at 10:00 pm on a day with barely illuminating the moon, the only light present in the entrance of a building and little else, something that is evident in the three takes for the iPhone 5, the Xperia ZL and the Nexus 4. Notably any flash photography is used. class=”c6″> A photo class=”c7″> class=”c6″> ZL As in most tests, the Xperia ZL shows an unacceptable noise level for a smartphone in its class. Although in this test nocturnal noise is compensated with the way he handled the light to get a much more enlightened decision. Where a bit is lost in the details, which despite being better lit, the leaves are much worse than in making the iPhone 5. Basically, the best strength of Lumia 920 is its ability to shoot in low light scenes and still produce truly stunning images. I insist that this research is publishing a report by Nokia or anything like that and the evidence is more than clear but equally insist that your Nokia had chosen Android instead of Windows Phone … but ok. The picture obtained is clear, it looks almost like day and the level of detail is amazing. Stop to look at the tree in red leaves .. where you can see the level of detail even more is on the grass in the foreground. Perhaps the only “but” in this decision is the fact that the illuminated area almost lost all the detail and can not see anything from the entrance, something that if seen in detail in the rest of shots, even in the worst is the Nexus 4. Here the recommendation I can make is that if you are going to shoot with your Lumia 920 at night, only to focus on close-ups and forget the rest because the chances of successfully leaving are lower. class=”c7″> not use your Nexus 4 for night shots After analyzing in detail the possibilities of image sensors Lumia 920 smartphones, iPhone 5, ZL Xperia and Nexus 4 is easy to understand that there is no “magic formula” or some entirely predominant technology that definitely stand out from the others. Nokia is perhaps one of the companies that have invested in the last decade to improve their PureView technology sensors and built in the Lumia 920 stands. But Nokia still is not free of errors and this has been seen in some shots. We conclude with test scores that the first Smartphone with more points in the photography issue discussed here is the Lumia 920, followed by the iPhone 5, then the Nexus 4 and finally the Xperia ZL that even with its Exmor-R sensor from Sony were disappointed in most circumstances getting shots below the quality of other teams analyzed. The issue of the quality of the photographs obtained by Smartphones is a vast and virtually infinite. The amount of software applications that impersonate the stock to take and then edit photos make even a smartphone with poor quality sensor can get very good photos, of course if you have the right skills. That is why we invite you to continue this discussion in the Forum PoderPDA .
HDR Photography
Smartphones Comparison
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