The Red Cross and the Ministry of Interior have called for mobile users on the agenda include your phone contact “Aa” followed by the name and telephone number of the person must be advised in case of accident or urgent need to expedite emergency services. He is trying to add to the agenda of the mobile contact “Aa” (Tell …) followed by the person’s name and telephone (overseas ICE, In Case of Emergency, followed by the person’s name and telephone) you want it to notify in case of emergency or necessity. Or what is the same, Aa put before the name of the contact that we have on the agenda. Thus the first of this contact list appear.
If you want more options you can create contacts “Aa1″, “Aa2″, “Aa3″ … being convenient to put at least two, eg : one of the couple and the other a family member or close friend. Because if both go in the same means of transport, would be useless to make a call to Aa if it is also involved in the emergency.
It is convenient to put it to our elders and children.
In smartphones, which have the ability to lock a PIN, pattern, password, etc, the home screen and therefore unable to access the calendar to alert the contact Aa; is solved, going into Settings, Security, Information owner. Or: Settings-Screen Lock-Owner Information, Samsung “modern” and write: ICE, Aa: 000 00 00 00. ICE Aa1. 000 00 00 00
This appears in the home screen: ICE, Aa + telephone number. ICE, Aa1 + phone number.
In almost all android smartphones is a very unknown function. At the start screen, “Emergency Call” appears below (which can be called on a locked phone), press down and left us an image of a face with a mermaid appears, press and we appear “ICE: Emergency Contact” . To enter the contacts you want the emergency services to be notified if necessary, you have to access contacts, groups, ICE: Emergency Contacts, and add contacts, which previously put before the name Aa (Tell) we want
View tutorial, ICE. Contacts emergencies.
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