This week in Current ROM, will review all major events in the Scene Android, with the best new hand developing new Nexus 6, LG G3, Xperia Z Ultra, Samsung Galaxy S5 and Of course all the news about Android 5.0 Lollipop. You can not pass this new installment Current ROM.
Fresh out of the oven, we have a great crunchy Smartphone and warm, which brings curious novelties this week. We speak of Google Nexus 6 , which seems to be sweeping all their little brothers as they did earlier. The rising price of terminal there seems to be imported too, since much of the community seems not stop with her new toy for the big G in their hands. This time it has been known that the device keeps a surprise for those who like to tinker with your terminal. It has since discovered that Nexus 6 brings a small, hidden notification light , hidden very, very well after speaker on the front of the phone. How could it be otherwise, to enable this small but curious light, you must have the Nexus 6 rooted , a process that will not cost you practically nothing by CF-Auto-Root of which I spoke last week right here. Once we have SuperUser privileges, so just have to have an application like Lightflow or similar, to enable the functionality of the LED, which apparently common da preppy to the device. The Christopher Columbus in this case has been JMUT XDA-Developers, who find nothing went head over to the forums to expose their discovery. Of course the LED notification has functionality to cover all that is usual in notifications, can choose the color from red, blue and green , which really gives a nice touch to our Nexus device 6. Of course it’s nothing we have not seen before, but it strikes us that can only be enabled by root, for a functionality that could be enabled by default and has not been , in this case. Anyway, if you have a Nexus 6 you know what you have to do to enable it, the process through which it will not take no time and advantage will, never better, with your own eyes.
Disable the encrypted data on your Nexus 6 for higher performance
Something is fashionable today, is the privacy of information. After the news a few months in cases of “surveillance” of the NSA, Google decided to take action and adopt the policy of enable data encryption by default in Android 5.0 Lollipop . The thing is that according to a study by AnandTech, constantly sending encrypted data and processes makes our Nexus 6 render much worse , it has to ensure each data commands and thus work Background of the device is significantly higher. So our friend bbedward XDA-Developers has discovered that encryption is performed by an assembly in the famous FSTAB , and known to all Linux users. Thus, the developer has created a modified FSTAB and can be installed flashing, thus allowing a package, the Nexus 6 not send data and execute processes in encrypted form, which saves considerable energy . To install this modification, you must have unlocked bootloader and have a backup made as the process will erase all existing data . It is best if you already have a full backup, leave your device while manufactured by a Full Wipe and then install, this package to modify the FSTAB. Finally we leave you with a link to XDA-Developers where you can get the package plus all the necessary support. We hope that you give all the performance you deserve your Nexus 6, albeit at the cost of reduced security.
First Android 5.0 with TouchWiz ROM Lollipop for Sprint Samsung Galaxy S5
The forums are burning in the Scene. This week we saw a leak that has raised some excitement because garwynn XDA-Developers, has published a ROM Android 5.0 with TouchWiz Lollipop , which has surprised and quite . The trouble now is that the ROM is only available for devices Samsung Galaxy S5 Carrier Sprint whose model is the SM-G9000P , so you still take a bit to see that feat in the international range of Smartphone. No longer a good news, because although we can not enjoy it, there are already some who have ventured to porting this ROM for European and international range , for all owners of Samsung Galaxy S5 can enjoy asap, Android 5.0 based ROM Lollipop by quintessential Samsung. The compilation works perfectly because it is the test version which offers Sprint operator, so surely it was not the last version that would be launched, but still works stable and suitable for use. We look to see if they can bring this ROM to our line of Samsung Galaxy S5, so that even if ‘unofficial’ install many when it comes out in the Community. We leave you with a link to XDA-Developers, where do all the information and remember it is only for the version of the Sprint operator, so you should not install it if you have this terminal.
Now available the first Android 5.0 AOSP ROM Lollipop for Sony Xperia Z Ultra
One of the largest in Sony Smartphones literally and metaphorically, as is the Sony Xperia Z Ultra , received this week anticipated ROM with Android 5.0 Lollipop , but be careful, AOSP based , which like many, because its interface is simple, simple, beautiful and pure Android. The author of the ROM is Saatvik Shukla, XDA-Developers, which has been able to carry the Sony Xperia Z1 ROM and publish it for holders of Sony Xperia Z Ultra. On the other hand, we know about early versions of the ports, and have a name for it, bugs. The ROM has several bugs that can be annoying for many, consisting of decisions relating to GPS, video playback and a fault indicator signal to connect to a network 4G data. Note that the ROM works quite well and the video playback can be performed with any player program than the default one, as can be the MX Player, the remainder negatives, but so is discussed in post, there is nothing that is really critical, so we invite you to try it. Besides a previous error that prevented use the Camera , has been repaired, so now can be used functionally . As you can skip to install the ROM you must have the unlocked bootloader , a must when installing ROMS in the range of Sony Xperia devices. As we do not want to make you wait any longer, we leave the thread to the ROM on XDA-Developers, where you will find the download package, as well as all the support and instructions provided by the cook. You enjoy it.
The LG G3 receive a highly anticipated FIX to correct errors Screen
LG G3 , a nice Smartphone, powerful, with very good quality / price ratio and a screen that actually imposed. Turns out one of his strengths as is the screen, has also proved a handicap, since the high resolution screen prevented many applications do not run with the expected sharp , which really bothers . Apart from the high battery consumption compared to others of its range, display and building applications about her has not been adequate , showing a result that does not show its potential and indeed, check for land good quality Quad HD screen. Now thanks to Skin1980 XDA-Developers, this can be corrected, because the developer has made successfully modified the kernel Stock LG G3 to try to sharpen sharpening, repair the “oversharpening” and provide a natural contrast to the display , which is certainly much appreciated. The new kernel has to be flashed with your Custom Recovery and is valid for a wide range of variants of Smartphone and Android versions, including Android 4.4 and Android 5.0 KitKat Lollipop , but the author is working to that the code can be installed in all the variants of LG marketed G3. The truth is that I would highly recommend their installation since new sharpness screen note , but remember previously have a backup of everything important about what might happen. Finally, we leave you with the link to XDA-Developers, where you can obtain the modified variant you possess Kernel, if available, as well as instructions and support from the developer and the community. Hopefully your eyes, thank you. We leave you with a sample of visual change fix.
The CPU Spy forever now on Android 5.0 Lollipop
Just for Today ROM for this week, with an application that the vast majority of the Scene has enjoyed sometime. We speak of CPU Spy , application of choice for measure the level of processing and consumption of our Smartphone is ideal for tuning frequencies and have everything under control. Since the application appeared Android has changed, but the usefulness of this application is legendary, especially after changing the ROM as it is ideal for measuring the clock frequency in our terminal. Many will not be asleep waiting for your device enter Deep Sleep with this application program which incidentally just landed on Android 5.0 Lollipop for your enjoyment. On this occasion we will provide you with the application directly, you only have to click this link and you will be automatically downloaded to your system. Needless to say more about this legendary application, only you should have it if you want to measure the actual consumption of your Smartphone after a change of ROM or just have it forever.
Just for this week Current ROM, the coming more and as always wish you a good flashing week! Be good.