Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Nexus 5 features 5 unique features in Android 4.4 KitKat -

Android 4.4

KitKat has come acompaada the Nexus 5 , the new Google smartphone. We have repeatedly emphasized the novelties of the new operating system of the Internet giant, but now we have learned that there are certain unique features for the Nexus 5. Next, you count the 5 functions exclusive 5 Android 4.4 Nexus KitKat.

TabletZona echo the 5 functions Nexus exclusive 5 . In these days leading to the new terminal sale Google have been able to find hidden features to be announced with great fanfare as the rest. Android 4.4 KitKat is not a leap relacina amount s new features but incorporating pequeos tweaks that improve the user experience.

Many of the unique features of Nexus 5 are possible by your hardware. Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 800 is to blame for this great performance. The unique features of the Nexus 5 are:

Playback audio and motion sensors with minimum consumption of battery

800 Snapdragon special optimization enables the Nexus 5 to be able to play 60 hours of music with minimum consumption. Built-in sensors to measure our body activity also are optimized to the maximum, especially when the device is in sleep mode.

low power

Fotografa HDR +

funcins which was announced by Google and is one of the great innovations of the Nexus 5. This feature allows a rush of catches then combinarn for the best photograph possible. It is especially useful for low light situations.


Desktop full screen

bottom control bar and upper notification interferirn no longer with the user. Now fully transparent and let you see the full wallpaper. This feature available in other terminals, but for now is exclusive to Android 4.4 Nexus 5 KitKat.

Desktop full screen

always active Voice Control

Simply uttering the phrase

OK Google, the Nexus 5 har what the wizard say Google Now. No need to press button ningn, just talk.

Ok Google

more precise tactile

Android 4.4 and the Nexus special hardware 5 allow superior tactile experience in this terminal. Tactile Never before had an Android device responded so well. This is one of the main complaints of users in comparison with iOS or Windows Phone and Android 4.4 KitKat greatly improved.


Nexus 5: Features and price official new smartphone from Google

Nexus 5, at the height of the iPhone 5S in published benchmarks

Raze the Nexus 5 400 euros?

Android 4.4 KitKat, these are their innovations and changes

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