Clearly paw Android Wear is now to Google one of the strategic markets where there are more options for growth in the near future, especially after checking the hunger for success that seems to have the battalion ‘wearables’ (shaped like smart watches) going to arrive. But miesntras land everyone expected, the Mountain View want to go putting one of these on your wrist.
And there’s nothing like lead by example and Google has placed in our hands a promotion that could prove irresistible, why when take a Nexus 5 We can add to cart LG G Watch and purchase together with a really good discount.
For 16GB model Nexus 5 , when LG take the smartwatch get a discount of € 80 which is only active through the Google Play Store. As you can see by the image, rather than charge € 548, 468 at the end we will only pay an amount that, if we subtract the total price of the LG G Watch, means that we are taking the ‘wearable’ for just € 119.
This promotion comes in full smartwatch explosion at IFA in Berlin, where some have been released more watches expected in recent times: from Sony SmartWatch 3 to 360 Moto Motorola or Samsung S Gear, which are official and come to populate a little more in the new territory Android reigns Wear
<. p> By the way, remember that October 15 could be the date chosen by Google to release OS 2.0 update, which will bring improvements in the use of GPS, Bluetooth headset pairing inalámabricos and much more. By the way, we are facing a campaign of Mountain View to be cleaning inventory Nexus 5
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