Was one of the most anticipated updates by terminal users Nexus, but the truth is that there seems to deliver the results that originally were planned. We refer to Android 4.4.4 KitKat , the latest edition of the operating system Google which has already begun to reach users of the terminals Nexus : those who had experienced more problems after the update to Android 4.4.2 4.4.3 and KitKat . The fact is that after installing the new package of Android 4.4.4 KitKat , users of the Nexus family have faced yet again a significant listing error. It all started last June 4 , when users of these devices began to receive an extra helping of KitKat with Android 4.4.3 , a version that was intended to resolve certain inherited faults from the previous version. Unfortunately, nothing else set it up, the owners of the five Nexus, Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 began experiencing problems.
Finally, Google launched another update to Android 4.4.4 KitKat at the end of June. Is your purpose? Taking charge of the bugs that had arisen with the previous edition and problem solve more substantial, related OpenSSL . It is true that the update has fixed some problems, but unfortunately, it seems that at this point the users Nexus have begun experimenting new bugs . For example, the owners of the Nexus 5 have noticed excessive battery drain and a persistent failure on the keyboard. Have also been expressed accidental restarts Nexus 7 and failures dialing screen from the Nexus 4 . In fact, we are facing problems that were already present in the previous version of Android and that might also face the owners of any other terminal that you upgrade to Android 4.4.4 KitKat .
But this is not all. And is that Google Product Forums have been filled with complaints from users that after upgrading to Android 4.4.4 KitKat have experienced failures WiFi connectivity in GPS navigation system and the email sync. Others suggest that their devices are locked at any time, leaving them unable to use them normally, as would be desirable. Terminal users as the Sony Xperia Z1 and Motorola Moto G indicate they are also having problems with battery life and camera system, faults still would drag from Android 4.4.2 KitKat.
What will Google on this? The truth is that judging by the type of these errors, the terminals are clamoring for a major upgrade . However, considering that there seems to be no update Android 4.4.5 KitKat in sight, it is likely that users of these devices have to withstand these failures for a long time, especially taking note that the upgrade to Android L will not arrive until late autumn. And you, have you experienced problems aboard your Nexus ? Can you tell us your experience through the comments section.
alt=””/> Cecilia Hill has a degree in Philology Hispanic and works since 2007 as a writer specializing in technology. Besides writing about mobile phones and gadgets, also works in the creation and planning of content as a freelancer. Google+ Profile +Cecilia Hill
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