Christmas is here. And give a smartphone as the Nexus 5 is a safe bet. Google’s cell phone is a smartphone with a stunning display, a blistering pace and offers a pure Android experience that has led to it was voted best smartphone of 2013. If you have not done your Christmas shopping and want to buy a Nexus 5 since Play Store have a little problem, because we should not leave things to the last minute.
5 The Nexus 16GB on Play Store has a delivery time of approximately two weeks, so you do not arrive until January 3. Date too late for Santa Claus who want to bring them to a mobile-super Christmas.Fortunately we still have time to get the Nexus 5. have available the Nexus 5, and thanks to its express courier service just one day is able to send us the smartphone before the 25th day paying a small extra cost overrun. Specifically premium for € 2.99 and 9.99 € for the other users, which are actually the same nearly ten euros of shipping the Play Store charge send it in a couple of weeks. If you bought the Nexus 5 Monday, we arrive on Tuesday 24 , while if we bought this afternoon or tomorrow and Tuesday, we would risk that arrived the same day 25 presumably morning.
Amazon shipping policy is very strict, and there is no problem when you receive it, because the company is conducting a campaign to supply every household this Christmas. There is a clear difference in buying through Amazon, and the price is being € 379 instead of 349 € which originally cost in the Play Store.
remains a quality smartphone / unbeatable price . And unlike small price worth paying to have it at the time to give it away does more illusion.
purchase Nexus 5 for Christmas
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