5 of Google resumed our cover today with a design that is the most could approach the reality of all published to date. No doubt we could be and to the final appearance of the new terminal of the seeker. We show you all the details below.
class=”wp-caption id=”attachment_73952″ aligncenterNexus 5 is shown in the actual design seen to date
is because as often happens on devices with some degree of popularity, these designs show us their potential before they have been officially presented. This is the case of the next Nexus 5 , which we have seen a significant amount of design concepts that have been published to date.
But today we want to share with you a new design concept for this Nexus 5 recently published in the network and that may well be the final appearance of the new terminal from Google.
On this occasion, we are shown a Nexus 5 that is more or less the line of his predecessor. We are facing a big screen terminal with slightly rounded edges and a push-button distribution identical to that of his younger brother.
If you look at the picture shown at the beginning of this post, we appreciate you in your back, the Nexus 5 continues to maintain its camera which is accompanied by a powerful LED flash. Also, if we look closely at the picture, we can see LG’s own screen printing we could indicate that the manufacturer would repeat again in this new release.
Another thing that a lot of attention in this new Nexus 5 , is the Kit Kat Android image present in its entire panel.
As well you have been able to sense, at the moment nothing is confirmed yet officially, so this new concept of Nexus 5 could suffer all kinds of changes during the course of the day.
And you, are do you think of this new design for the new Nexus 5 ?.
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