Friday, June 17, 2016

Rumor: HTC manufactured Nexus 2 phones this year –

Picture property: EFE

A few days after starting the year we have the first rumors about the next Nexus phone, those teams whose core function is to give us a completely pure Android experience, as it has been conceived by Google.

According to a publication of Chinese social network Weibo , taken by the site HTC Source, the Taiwanese company HTC would be chosen to build not one but two phones Nexus this year .

These teams would five screens and 5.5 inches and if everything follows the usual cycle, would be ready this fall.

HTC was the company that launched the Nexus One there in the year 2010 . It was the first Nexus phone produced by Google. Then companies like Samsung, Motorola, LG and Huawei recently, were in charge of making these machines.

Will the Mountain View now seek to close the circle and return to the company with which They initiated the pure Android experience? There are still many months so we have more accurate information, but first there’s the rumor.

With information from Android and Me
